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Everyone Starts Somewhere

March 24th, 2021

I mentioned that this time last year, I was struggling. Joining Monat gave me an opportunity to do something to better myself. Everyone has their views and opinions on mlm's and I was one of them. I needed to learn more before committing to something. So I learned more and made a decision to do something that was strictly for me and my well-being. "I'm making an income, while making an impact" and those words have never been more true. I don't want this whole post to be about Monat (we'll get into that in another post), but it is important to know that without this adventure in my life, my self love journey would have never started. Once I joined, I was ready to take on all that was involved: facing myself, facing my struggles & my inner battles. Over the past year, I have changed so many things about my life and they have helped me with where I am today.

I want to give you some tips & tricks that have helped me through my journey. I refer to this as a journey because that is exactly what it is. The word journey means, the act of traveling from one place to another. I need you to remember that this is a journey, you are traveling from a place where you may feel unloved, lost, alone, compliant, or so many other feelings ... to a place of love, wholeness, confidence and so much more.

1. Positive Affirmations

Affirmations are a game changer. This is something I do every morning to start my day. Start your day by reflecting on the things you truly love about yourself rather than focusing on the negative. That is such a hard thing to do, I get it, but that is the first step needed to move forward in your journey.

A few of my favorite affirmations:

- I am worthy.

- I am beautiful.

- I am strong.

- I am capable to great things.

2. Do More Things You Love

I am a people pleaser, always have been, and I think I always will be but with that comes a lot of weight. When you are constantly doing for others, you get put on the back burner, and thus, your needs do too. Take time for yourself. Find things that YOU love and enjoy and do them... all of them. Go for a walk, lay in the sun, read a book, listen to music, go shopping, anything that revolves around you. There are many things I started to do for myself, this blog is one of them.

3. Comparison

Comparison is a killer no matter what the context is. I'll be the first to admit I've been stuck in the comparison limbo, it sucks. It will be one of the hardest things for you to overcome. It will happen. Comparison can happen accidentally and you may not even realize it is happening, but in the process it is taking away your happiness and growth through this journey. It begins to fill you with doubt and a feeling of unknowing.

Something I have learned is, you cannot compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 5. Everyone goes through shit in life, and you never know what someone else has experienced. Remember to be proud of yourself, and stay true to you!

4. Celebrate Your Wins

No matter the size; big, small or in-between, every win matters. Growth is growth, no matter its size. This one is fun for me, because celebrating me is something I never used to do. When you take a minute to look back at who you were a month ago, six months ago, a year ago and see the growth, that is something to celebrate. You'll never be able to love yourself if you can't celebrate yourself.

5. Practice Healthy Habits

This one is fairly new for me. I wouldn't say I was an unhealthy person, but I certainly wasn't the healthiest. This past December, I made a major change to my diet and switched to a gluten-free diet. Since switching, I barely have any headaches, I am not bloated all the time and I am no longer feeling constantly fatigued- not saying this is your solution but your diet does matter. I have also (shout out to 75 hard) started drinking more water, working out much more and focused on what I am eating. I feel good.

Feeling good on the inside, helps how you feel on the outside. Physical, mental and emotional health are important to your growth.

6. Change Your Mindset

I saved this for last because it the the most difficult to overcome. I battle this one every single day. You need change the way to speak - to yourself, to others and to the universe. I won't lie and say this is easy to do. You're probably thinking, come on Nicole, how hard could it be to think/talk differently?! girllllll, it's real freaking hard.

Limiting beliefs can be a k i l l e r. It is a form of self sabotaging that you didn't even realize could effect how you feel about yourself. Rather than saying, "I wish I could..." change it to "I will ..." Change "I can be successful" to "I am successful"

Having a positive mindset will be the biggest step in your self love journey.


say it, hear it, believe it

sending my love & support to those starting or continuing their self love journeys. I'm here for you.

xoxo nicole

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